15 & 16
OCT 2024

All Set to Launch

We’ve been waiting for over 100 days for our pubs and restaurants to open and after weeks of anticipation, most establishments opened on the 4th of July, unless you are in Leicester, who unfortunately have been forced to lockdown for a few more weeks, due to a spike in cases. Now we all know that things are going to be very different for both business owners and your customers. The most important thing is to take all measures to stay safe. 


Virtually talking to our team and clients, we all have the same view; Do you want to handle a menu that has been previously handled by other customers and even staff, despite them being wiped down using an antibacterial spray? Majority of us answered no. Cleaning is essential, even before the outbreak, however now more than ever cleaning needs to be superpowered and if you are busy, your staff will need to take time to clean, tables and chairs as well as the menus. Regardless of the type of dining experience you give to your customers, you all have one thing in common; How do you keep your diners and staff safe? 


Minimum menu handling

Disposable paper menus aren’t something new. They have been very much part of street food dining for decades, and are quick and easy to show the menu and also keep spillages contained on the mat. Established restaurants such as Wahaca’s, Wagamama’s and many others are already using disposable menus and we have also been inundated with requests from clients running up to the opening weekend, to design disposable menus.


Using an existing menu, we are able to create an A3 double sided paper menu, with the same style, to keep your brand consistent. These menus are inexpensive to print depending on the quality of paper you choose and will reduce the amount of time needed for the upkeep of larger laminated menus. We aren’t limited to flat paper menus although due to the gsm folding these would make it look like a takeaway menu, however it will still show your menu and if your budget allows you to, we can design an innovative menu where your customers can actually take it away with them rather than disposing of them. We’re thinking larger than a sheet of paper with a couple of crayons.


Questions arise when we discuss anything disposable. We have all made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste we produce, regardless of whether it is food, plastic, paper and even carbon footprint. Due to the pandemic and dare I say unprecedented times for the millionth time in the last 4 months, we sort of are forced to take 2 steps back because we know that handling menus for one does hold some issues as people start to get back to the new normality.


Digitaling your experience. 

The other option is to have your menu on your website which can be easily navigated by customers without the need of downloading a PDF so it is important that your website is upto date, with quick loading pages for your customers to view the menu, which will reduce the amount of time spend trying to find the page. You can also encourage your customers to look ahead of their booking so orders can be placed almost immediately. All websites that we have created for restaurants, will have a quick and easy to navigate menu which definitely is worth the investment. 

If you haven’t reopened yet, get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist you for updating your website and disposable menus.

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